A family living on the shores of the Amazon River, Brazil. Photo by Dean Jacobs.
Opportunity Education, an Omaha Foundation, has a Sister School program and invites Nebraska Schools to reach out to teachers and students in developing countries, sharing ideas and fostering cultural understanding. The only commitment asked is that children enter into pen-pal relationships with each other. www.opportunityeducation.org
Joining 25 other states, Nebraska has adopted the state's first Policy on Global Competence. The Longview Foundation financed the Nebraska Council on Global Education who developed the policy statement that was adopted by the State Board of Education on August 10, 2012. The policy states:
"Global competence is the capacity, knowledge, skills, and disposition to understand, analyze, and act on global opportunities and challenges. The educational objectives for Nebraska students should include global competence as a result of the ever-increasing interaction and interdependence among people, states, and nations. It is imperative for students to have a current and historical knowledge of the great civilizations and cultures of the world. Through a better understanding of themselves and others, with respect for and recognition of the values and heritage of the United States, students will be prepared for successful participation in an interconnected world."